Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ministering and Administering

So, I've been thinking about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ actually helps us. I've nailed it down to two points. Ministering and administering. So, with ministering, others are helping us! We are being guided, taught, and comforted by those who do this. This is how we learn of and how the gospel blesses us! We need to learn how to do it before we do it. We find many accounts in the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon of people being ministered to. Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, Moroni, etc. It is essential to have those who can minister to us. There is also the other side of the scale, which is equally important. We need to administer. When we administer to those who need help, or anything to that nature. It is how we apply what we learned when we were being ministered to! It A) shows God that we understand His doctrine, B) it helps us have the gospel be applied into our lives! and C) we learn how much we still have to learn, or be ministered. I like to use Christ as perfect example of one who was ministered and administered. He let people serve him. He let them do a variety of things for him! But, we all know that He did everything to serve others! He, again, was a perfect example of these two things. Again, when we administer to others, we are only administering to our Father! When we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are only in the service of our God. We will find ourselves being blessed by administering, not being ministered. We show God that we choose to follow Him and that we understand what we need to do when we do this. It is how His church was supposed to be run! By those who want to serve others. His church could not stand if only one person was the administer and everyone else was being ministered. The bishop serves the ward, while ward members are called to positions in the church to serve the bishop in their areas. It's one big circle of service. I testify that we are blessed more than anyone could imagine when we put ourselves last and put God first by serving others. I say these things in His name Jesus Christ, Amen.

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