Friday, December 2, 2011

My Rant About the Book of Mormon

So during a personal study, I was writing in my study journal. Suddenly as I was writing, something just hit me and I wrote what I call my rant. I really like it and I know it's true! Here it is:

       "You can't tell me that the Book of Mormon's not true. I won't and can't believe you. Over and over as I've read the Book of Mormon for 15 times and working on my 16th. The Holy Ghost has bore a powerful witness that it is true for each and every time AS I read it. Of course I prayed to know it was true, but I got my witness AS I read it and applied it's teachings into my life. I read it faithfully, diligently, and specifically. I read it with a question that needed to be answered That one of the ways that I knew it was true. I read it with a purpose. I tested it's purpose. If you read it with no question, not really testing the purpose, you might as well read another book and hope for the same thing. I promise that if you read the Book of Mormon with a purpose, a question, you will recieve and answer."

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